What decent person would NOT be outraged after viewing the vicious mugging of 101-year-old Rose Morat in the vestibule of her apartment building in Queens, New York? I was profoundly disturbed by the attack. In fact, I was so outraged that I wanted to beat the perpetrator's face to a bloody pulp. It's one thing to snatch an old lady's purse. But this lowlife, this craven punk, pummeled Rose's head with three sharp blows. Honestly, how sick and depraved does a person have to be to beat up a defenseless 101-year-old lady? As a result of the beating, Rose suffered a broken cheekbone and had to be hospitalized. Thankfully, she has recovered and is doing well.
Forgive me for being presumptuous, but I am 99.99% sure that the perpetrator is a drug addict. An addict so desperate for drug money that he is willing to commit a heinous crime. Indeed, drug addiction is a social problem of immense proportions. One cannot emphasize this enough. It is beyond the scope of this posting to delve too deeply into the causes and cures of drug addiction, but I will say this: people who grow up in intact, loving homes do not generally grow up to become drug addicts who beat up old ladies.
I will venture to guess that Rose Morat grew up in a home that instilled good values. In fact, she was on her way to church when the mugging occurred. What she had to say to a reporter about the perpetrator speaks volumes about her character: "I have no hate for the man, I just don't want him hurting anymore people." Perhaps this also accounts for her longevity. She is unwilling to let awful circumstances destroy her spirit. Indeed, this may be why this Rose has not wilted.