Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Travelvelocity CEO Michelle Peluso: A Great Role Model for Young Women

Michelle Peluso doesn't get much sleep. And she doesn't expect that to change anytime soon. Clearly, she's resigned herself to this as her motto is, "I'll sleep when I'm dead."

As CEO of the online travel company Travelocity (a position she attained at the tender age of 32), she's simply been too busy to sleep. Under her leadership, the company has gone from losing $55 million a year to making $13 million.

Prior to her stint at travelocity, she helped start and develop the online travel company Site59. In 2002 she sold the company for $42 million to none other than......can you guess? ....yep, Travelocity!

Ms. Peluso has always been driven and ambitious. Before her rise to the upper echelons of corporate America, she studied philosophy at Oxford University, earned a BS from Wharton and served as a White House Fellow and Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Labor.

And to what, you may be asking, does Peluso attribute all this glorious success at such a young age? It's all about passion. Feeling passionate about her goals has given her the wherewithal to blast through obstacles while rising to the top.

There can be no doubt that this impressive young woman, this superlative role model for young women, will accomplish a lot more with her life (maybe become president?). After that, she may be able to catch up on her sleep.